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Showing posts from December, 2018
Breaking Myth of Petrol Debt: It has been vociferously stated by ruling dispensation that they are paying petrol debt taken by previous government.                        In this article we will be exploring two things: 1)       Whether debt paying story is true or not. 2)       Can this scenario   of paying huge petroleum borrowing   debt   of one government by other is possible or not 1)Paying Debt: Link to below image: This data has been taken from government of India directly(As you can see in the URL). It shows that loan taken by the previous government(UPA) being maturing in NDA’s regime(2014-2019) is   1750+1750 crore rupee that is 3500 crore rupee, which is roughly equal to the cost of making “Statue Of UNITY” in Gujrat.       My point is, if government says high petroleum price is due to previous government action , and they now do not have money , then why they built statue of UNI