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USA violating international cyber Law

Any law not only cyber security, related should not be violated for any purpose, although we can change the rule following the proper guide lines enshrined within the law. The main reason to this argument is simple, as any law gains its strength till it is followed once violated irrespective of the reason weakens its sole purpose.

Now in today’s digital world information is the most precious thing we have to keep as a individual or as a nation. Violating cyber laws creates a big dent on our future’s security as no one knows the value of information which one thinks to be null today, in future.

Violating cyber laws by USA can lead to big brother syndrome for rest of the country who are not that technically advanced in digital arena. And it will eventually lead to mistrust impacting international ties which may in extreme scenario result in conservative approach by various nation in economic world , mostly by the countries having trade deficit with USA. This segregation of economic world from global world will not remain stable for long.

So, even if various criminal activity can be checked by violating cyber laws, but consequences it can have on international relation between country is worse.


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