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Showing posts from February, 2019

RBI’s decision to cut repo rate

RBI decides to cut Repo Rate by 25 basis point : It has become a hot topic of RBI cutting repo rate, so in this article we will try to examine this issue from various possible dimensions. Before we proceed lets define repo rate; In laymen term it’s a rate at which RBI lends money to bank for short term borrowing . I used the term laymen because actually RBI signs repurchase agreement with the banks and both the statement are technically same with slight difference. From definition itself it’s clear that a cut in repo rate could imply: 1) Economy is growing much below its speculated potential. 2) Low inflation New governor of RBI, Shaktikant Das, has many time in his speech made it clear that there is no gap in actual and speculated growth of economy. In another words, Indian economy is growing at it’s potential. Regarding inflation, RBI has been instructed to maintain inflation rate of between 2 to 6 % with 4% as mean. At present CPI inflation (Consumer Price Index) is 2

Reply to Phulwama Attack- Explained Comment: Unknown 17 February 2019 at 21:34 It was really informative. The figures are helpful in understanding the situation. However, I am haunted by a constant question. How could Adil drove into the convoy with 350 kg of explosion without anyone's notice. He must have drove to the highway passing through any checklist. I won't be as if he appeared all of a sudden and drove in. Please put some highlight into it ANSWER: Before I answer to this question, we need to have a look in the murky atmosphere of PHULWAMA. Adil Ahmed Dar , the person about whom you asked in my previous article, was a local Kashmiri boy, also the SUV used by Adil was local and not from Pakistan. Why a local guy from Kashmir did this? Assumption: Every person on earth have same feelings irrespective of geographical location. I think it’s a fair assumption to make. 1) Internati

Phulwama Attack- Explained

Pulwama Attack Objective of Article: 1) Introduction. 2)Who is behind the attack, what’s the motive? 3)What government has done till now. 4)What Government is most probably going to do. 5)What should the citizen of India be doing. INTRODUCTION: 14 th Feb 2019 , 40 CRPF personnel died in suicidal attack by a 19 year old, Adil Ahmed Dar, under the umbrella of Jaish-E-Mohammad ; He(Adil Ahmed Dar) rammed   a SUV loaded with 350 kg of explosives into a CRPF   convoy of 78 vehicle. Figuratively speaking, It was not an attack on CRPF convoy nor on Indian heartland but certainly it was an attack on more than 133 crore hearts beating in synchronous. WHO IS BEHIND THE ATTACK, WHAT’S THEIR MOTIVE? : As it is said, lack of knowledge can lead to biasness and wrong conclusion; So we will be leaving conclusion part to the diplomats and our national agencies.                                                                                                        What we

Employment required to prevent jobless growth !

Preoject DISTRESS: -------------------------------------------- Assumption: At 21 Year age at an average, Indian needs job to support. Fact 1:     2.5 crore people attaining the age of 21 every year (Source of data : census of India 2001,2011). Percentage of Agricultural work force: more than 50 % (Source economic survey 2018), let take 50%. percentage of women in India=48.5% percentage of working women in India=28.5% Calculation: We have 2.5 crore adults acquiring age of 21 every year, so minimum 2.5 crore jobs are required every year----- BUT 48.5% of population of India are women, so 48.5% of this 2.5 crore approx must be women, which is 12,125,000.(12,875,000 this is left over) and 25.5% women works = 25.5% of 12125000=3,091,875 women are working. so, Total Indian requiring works= working women + working men=(3,091,875) + (12,875,000)=15,966,875 Indian Now lets subtract Agricultural work force, as they already have land to work on, In other words Government is not
To PM : [Social and Political philosophy not only seeks to set up ideal standards for society and government but also undertakes a cirtical examination of the existing social and political institution] It is through articulation of diverse opinions that the truth would be finally discovered. Social Philosophy and Political Philosophy are crucial for maintaining smooth functioning and upgradation of of institutions like family,friends,group,political parties, pressure groups respectively. Main function of these philosophy could be understood by a case study; let’s take an imaginary case study:" PROJECT D " objective of project D: empowering those who needs the same. Premis: There is a village where lives a rich and prosperous man, A,   who belongs to culturally beckward caste. Now lets see another character , mr. K, he the leader, though uneducated and poor, orthodox in belief, of his village panchayat, call it khaap panchayat. Now in above case some pe