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JAINISM-Mahavira the 24th trithankara


                                                                                 - A religion with lots of mystery to be unfolded's a religion with highest literacy rate in female ie. 94.1% literacy rate overall and 90% among female....But has 2nd lowest SEX RATIO of  870 female per male.
Let us Begin the journey:
It all starts near vaisali(Kundagrama), a republican form of government prevailing all around .Giving people lots of impetus of thinking and speaking freely. Less restriction on idealogical flow then compared to 
                A new culture and tradition was to carve it's image , having everlasting impact on time and space.  Any  thing material or immaterial , if it can spread in time and space it must have all properties of a FLUID,  here TRADITION and CULTURE.
                         During this ERA the prevailing HINDUISM tradition and culture was having lots of resistance being offered by Brahmminical Sect, thus  this prevailing culture was spreading at Snail's pace. this twin effect that is REPUBLICAN GOV, and SOCIAL RESISTENCE  paved the way for a new fluid with lesser resistance . Mahavira the 24th Trithankara popularized this new Highly fluid Religion called jainism , which was highly comprehensive and easliy acceptable to republican people. 
              If this religion is higly fluid then why we see this religion geographically confined in comparison to Hinduism. 
Trithankara are the mentors and Mahavira is the 24th Trithankara, he Was to introduce some new and most significant concept to this religion practice Right Conduct. This was was highly comprehensive as it was to bring reforms in Jainism itself.
                                                                                             Religions like Jainism and Buddhism formed out of Hinduism as their founding father were Hindu Kshatriyas. and these people were highly comprehensive so it obvious that they wont believe in existence of GOD. As to them Hinduism was a wrong Practice , and if god was to exist he wouldn't have allowed such practice.
following 3 things are required for attaining ultimate freedom:
1)Right Faith
2)Right Action
3) Right knowledge
ie. FAK LOL......
Mahavira the 24th trithankara or mentor had added the action part and describe it in details what was right action as:
2)not to lie
3)not to steal
4)not to acquire property
5)not to lead immoral life.
Mahavira's entire Philosophy was based on ANEKANTHVADA ie. "Truth can never have only one perspective"
his philosophy of anekanthvada clearly shows how open minded he was. he was always ready to listen others perspective...and this type of philosophy was essential weapon to prevent any religion to have fluidity  of hinduism , as hinduism was also a rational religion at it's origin. But with time rationality of this religion became old enough to sustain scientific argument.
                                       Analysis of Right Action:
Not to Acquire property became very contraversial, as when one takes birth he is compleatly nacked, and he acquires clothes after his birth. So this led to the division in Jainism:
> preferred to remain nude
>  they were called Sky Clad
> preffered clothes
>White Clad(as they weared white clothes) 
                                                          Rethinking NUDITY 
 Digambara preffered not to wear dress, can then women join such clad.......the answer was provided by Digambara directly in their statement "women can not attain salvation" now here comes the contradiction.... The philosophy of ANEKANTHVADA without any rationality Digambara is ignoring women 🚺 by considering them inferior. Just because they feels it hard to controll themselves infront of nude women, Here they had 2 choices 1st to make clothing an exception while formulating law and 2nd continuing the tradion of inferiority of women... They choosed 2nd one. If they had logically on the exact philosophy of ANEKANTHVADA HAD WORKED Jainism wouldn't had split. 
So split of jainism shows all the people had energy to undertake reforms but they were addicted to adhering to the exact words and not rationality of the leaders.  Jaina further prevented people from doing agriculture as it hurts the land.... Thus it went on increasing cultural resistance in its ideological path of flow which fuerther surapassed the social resistance offered by hinduism leading to a very slow or stagnant growth of this religion. This religion is just another event that proofs human love rationality and that's why every new organization weather religious or political starts with rational argument but can not sustain ..... And gradually ends at sticking to exact words of their  leader which was rational at his time. Digambara and Swetambra were for their ideological benefit were fighting on the issue weather the 19th Trithankara ie. Mallinatha, was male or female, instead of accepting rationality at present they were digging past events, which is against the philosophy of ANEKANTHVADA. Even in modern era one can feel how comprehensive our constitution is... But now when it comes to judgement we become irrational by making some obvious criminal free of charges... As constitution does not provide such norms. 
                                                I urge all readers to think weather to treat History as a story of past...... Or a guide to future 🔮.... 


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