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religion was formed by atheist

sabka maalik fake hai:

according to me every religion was formed by an  atheist. when people had no concept of religion and god
they usually led a nomadic life. but with gradual evolution with the their brain and society they started
to living a non nomadic life . in society like those of harappa and  mesopotamia. disasters like earth quake,
flood , volcano etc introduced the concept of fear , it introduced the concept of a power that is beyond their
control. and these events gradually developed the fearful respect for an unseen power - the fake power;
which in turn coined the term of god. since people started to live in a society they started feeling the strength
of easy life, which grew desire for more luxury. since they where now living in society different people in the
society were doing different jobs , some were farmers some were traders and some were managers of society
because without these people we can not imagine people living in the society because these are the basic
elements which converts the nomadic life into the social life(take a pause and think WHY or leave a comment below)
. there is always ups and down in the life so was at that time , they were worshiping every power of nature
they never understood why nature sometime showed harsh face to them and some time soft...they started
 to develop various theory to predict the pattern of harsh and smooth face of nature, they asked their
seniors in the society.....but many time there theory got failed(its obvious.............nature runs by  normal
distribution), so they kept modifying their theory. here at this moment it is obvious that they were
giving respect to the people whose theory was predicted right . people might have thought that he
can feel the presence and wish of the god , that's why his prediction was right. but when he got proved
wrong by someone else in the society, then their must be reduction in respect for him , it might be
because people may have thought that god is not happy with him and that is why he can not feel the
presence of god and that is why his prediction got wrong. but these type of transfer of respect became
frequent due to wrong prediction each its psychologically obvious that they had tested the
ease of life and also knew that how much correct they were , they knew that whatever prediction they
are making are just a baseless probability, so they developed the concept of manipulation instead of
putting forward new theory....and it really worked , each time they were proved wrong they just manipulated
people that his theory of god is correct it is you people who made the mistake and hence god did not followed
his own rule....and to correct this you have to do these things....this way chances of getting a wrong prediction
was eliminated........and he started getting respect each time and become the leader of the society, and the whole followed him. he was getting respect but he knew what he was doing---giving a false hope.
every time getting his theory failed he manipulated and formed entire constitution of religion. for me this
is not the story of a single religion it is a concept just a concept to understand the origin of religion
in a logical way.
today you can see RADHE MA , ASHA RAM BAPU, NITYANAND,BOKO HARAM, ISIS,.........what are they
they all appear atheist to me...leading a luxurious life.
every religion talks about power of their GOD, but nobody can see or observe their power, you can only
observe after life. people form different religion fight with each other, why the real god is not showing
the real path. they say you will go to HELL after death if you do any sin......I just want to ask, is it not
a smart idea for
GOD to punish  them on  earth itself so that people can see and observe and never dare to do it again
if they can punish after the death then they can punish on earth , why we still need a constitution and
police and court room.

if god exist I doubt on his IQ.
as of yet GOD is undefined .........he has given you brain as a hint to find him not the text book written by some.............

read about mystry of ramayna and mahabharta in my :

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