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Aadhar-A factual analysis

Aadhar is a 12 digit unique number that contains Biometric(fingerprint and retina scan and Demographic(name, address) data of an individual.


India is a welfare state that is a country that cares for poor. Government since inception launching several plans to eradicate poverty and to raise the living standard of her Citizen.
These efforts put by the government does not seem to bring expected crescendo in living standard. Looking at the HDI(Human Development Index, published by UNDP ie. United Nation Development Program) published in 2016, India went down on the ladder for development. India slipped to 131 from 130 ranks out of 188 countries.
                                                                                                                 The worst part is, Countries like Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh has performed better the Us. These countries are poor in terms of GDP per capita. These countries can't invest more money then India still they bagged a good rank then India, one possible reason for this poor performance by India in this context is leakage(Corruption) of the fund provided by the government.
                                                                                                           Time has come to develop a mechanism so that allocated fund will go only to the targeted beneficiary. Brainstorming on this idea gave birth to AADHAR.

Aadhar-a blessing

Two important issue in the failure of Government are:
1) Leakage of Fund
Let's understand these issues in detail.
1)Leakage of Fund:
Whenever government releases some fund for various schemes there is leakage of the fund in  the form of corruption by the middleman(here various government officers or private party)
                                                                                                                                            since Aadhar linkage can provide whether the service has been provided to each and every beneficiary, unlike earlier time when they used to show fake data like registering fake names for mid-day meal. Now Aadhar no. can be made compulsory to seal this leakage problem.

Many a time it happens that beneficiary of the scheme tends to do fraud. like one person taking various LPG connection on subsidy or one person having various Ration cards. so linking Aadhar with these schemes can avoid duplicacy.
case study(Andhra Pradesh):
It was said by the government that they are going to connect Ration Card with Aadhar number so people having more than one ration card should voluntarily give their illegal ration card.
Within few months 15 lakh ration cards were surrendered. this gives us the glimpse of how much money Aadhar can help in saving by avoiding such ghost or duplicate beneficiary.

SCOPE of Aadhar

To understand the scope of Aadhar we need to focus on the way Aadhar bill was passed in Parliament. 
                Aadhar was passed as money bill   in parliament, Limiting its scope within the boundaries of Article 110.

WHY so much noise

Since everything is linked with Aadhar it can easily be used as serveliance (If you go to hospital you need to give aaadhar no., if you admission your son in school you need to give aadhar so by tracking aadhar one can track you). One of the clause of Aadhar bill that is clause 57 says Aadhar can be used by non state that is companies, which can be a potential threat in future. Companies need Aadhar data for aanticipating need of their coustomers. So government by selling this Aadhar no. selectively can virtually own stakes in company which is against the spirit of DEEMOCRACY.
                                                                                                                              Since it can be used as serveliance so it comes out of jurisdiction of article 110 and thus violating Constitution of /india. It should be properly passed through Rajya Sabha a non-money bill.
                                                                                                         to remove duplicacy in Aadhar task has been given to private company without any proper government serveliance. these companies are:
1)Accenture = An IT company that is workig for United States of America's Home Land security.
2)L1-Identity Solution= this company is working for CIA (US government Inteligence wing).
so again threat lies of Indian's Privacy violating Article 21- a fundamental Right.
If government had intention only for removing duplicacey then government would have kept demographic and biometric data seperately with different department.


The entire  debate at the end rests on the interpretation of article 110 and article 122 and the real  intention of government behind Aadhar. In india the highest Authority to interpret any law rests in the hand of Supreme Court. So let's wait for the Supreme Court's Judgement on Jai Ram Ramesh case on Aadhar.


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