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Global Hunger Index 2020

Global Hunger Index 2020 - social issue
Why india performed poorer then countries like Pakistan?


Key highlights:

1.       India Scores 27.2 (Serious zone)

a.       0=no hunger

b.      <9 = low severity

c.       10 to 19.9 = moderate

d.      20 to 34.9=34.9 serious

e.      >35= Alarming

2.       Second last in south asia (even below pakistan)

3.       China + Brajil scored < 5 (low severity nation)

4.       South Africa =13.5 (moderate nation)

5.       India's poor rank bcoz of Wasting + Stunting ( highest in world)

a.       Note:

                                       i.            African countries= child are born good but as they grow older they are affected by undernourishment.

                                     ii.            India =Child is born with these issues…….so providing nourishment later is like applying banded over severe wound. .....reason is explained below in "3.     Why is it?" section.





How its calculated?

1.       3 factors= equal waitage ---> converted into score between 0 to 100

a.       1st factor= Undernourishment (of population of India not just children)

b.      2nd factor=for child under 5 year= mortality rate

c.       3rd factor=for child under 5 year=stunting(chronic undernourishment) + wasting(Acute undernourishment)

2.       Published by Concern Worldwide and Wealthungerhlife 

3.       Data these 2 agency takes from :

a.       In below digram each of the international agency takes data from india from NFH Survey. Therefore there is a time lag.(2020 has data from 2019).



What GHI says?





Reflects lack of calorific intake in general population

14% does not get enough calories( 20% in 2005-2007)

Mortality rate

Both undernourishment + Environment are responsible

3.7% mortality of under 5(9.2% in 2000)

Stunting + Wasting

Majorly bcoz of nourishment issue in child or mother


1.       35% stunted (earlier 54.2%) but still worst in the world.

2.       17.3% are wasted(almost no improvement in it) worst in the world

Why Stunting+Wasting is poorest?

1.       After looking at african case it is clear that economic strength is not the role player in india it’s the SOCIAL INSTITUTION.

2.       Bcoz poor nation like pakistan and african countries have, inspite of lesser percapita then india has performed better. So it must be something social that’s haunting stunting and wasting rate in india

3.     Why is it?

a.       Poor status of women in india.

b.      42% of adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 have low BMI.

c.       27% of girls in india are married before the legal age of 18

                                       i.            8% starts bearing child in adolescent age.

d.      About 50% women do not have access to contraceptive

e.      Poor sanitaiton@women often lead to Diarrhoea a major factor in wasting and stunting.


f.        Nationally if we look at, poor states like Bihar , rajasthan and Odisha have performed better then national average in wasting. Infact rich state like T.N , West Bengal has performed worse then Bihar in Wasting(Jharkhand has worst Wasting in India).

                                       i.      While same Bihar has performed the worst in Stunting.



So our ranking in first 2 parameters(nourishment + mortality) has improved; But its the 3rd one (Stunting=Less hight as per age & Wasting = less weight as per age) which has become bone of contention. and its not the money that matters here, we have to work on social setup of india. Feminism needs to be redirected on real issues like reinforcing constitutional rights of women.

 Farmers has done their part, look at the outcomes of Green rovolutions now its our turn.



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